
Google trends explained

As we know that it is all about keyword research if you want visitors to find you in a certain time period. I think Google Trends is an easy tool to find the most famous searches in a certain time frame. It is certainly not a spam bot that boost your niche blogs’ traffic.

This is a tool you can use to find the amount of searches and the hottest topic at the moment. Google trends will give you this tool for no cost for you. It is totally free. If you are a blogger and you like to start blogs about certain niches. Then you can use Google Trends to find the amount of searches per month.

How to use Google Trends to find hot niches?

If you go to Google trends type in the main keywords in the search box. It will give you a graphic how much searches per month is done per region and globally. There are also related keywords featured on the Google trend site. Google Trends will give you the right type of tools to get the amount of traffic you want. If you are already skilled in generating traffic then you might know it is not automatic. You have to utilize the skill set to get the amount of traffic you want. This free tool does not compare however one keyword with another.  But the amount of keywords you can compare is five.

Let’s get it all cleared up with an  example. If you search for SEO. You can find out which keywords are exactly are typed in the search box by the user. And you can do a search with keywords “Link building” and “Link building services”. This way you can see both of the amounts of searches.

You can also follow the social media for the hot niches. The Google Trend tool provide you the exact amount of searches per keyword. This is really a great tool to find high volume keywords and the Google Keyword tool is also a great tool.

If you have a thing for celebs than you can use this niche to make money online. If you want blogs all for free you can use to set up blogs about the niches you found. With Google Trends you can get the needed information to find the amount of searches and related keywords. If you can optimize the page with the right keywords then you have the chance to rank in the search engines.

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