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2 step marketing

If you like to learn marketing in easy two steps then stay tuned.

Do it Right.

I receive postcards frequently and the other day I got a post card and they offered me to buy a copy machine. It had tiny letters all over the card.

It was really hard to read and I threw it a way because it was so hard to read.

Couple of days later I got a postcard with 32 words on it telling me that it was possible for me to get complete information on unrestricted distance telephone service for only 5,5 cents a minute without any additional fee by calling the 800 number on the card.

I did not hesitate to call. I received the information. Had my questions answered right away and I ordered my long distance service changed. The company that offered me this long distance service was utilizing time tested 2 step selling process.

Step 1. Lead generation - Stimulate me to call the 800 number

Step 2.Give the prospects the requested information. This information is given by the sales representatives who was in the position to answer my questions and make me feel sure that I could save quite sum of money on my long distance bill. That the new service is just as good or even better.

What’s So Good About 2 Steps?

It is easy to generate a lead (interest) than it is to get a prospect to convert (a sale).
Generating leads does not mean that you can convert the prospects. You can for sure use postcards to promote your product to the prospects without relatively spending lots of money. This way you can generate leads that you can convert later.

This 2 step procedure also contributes you to make a list of prospects who were interested enough in what you offered to contact you.

You can then consider to recontact the one’s who did not bought from you till they actually buy.

 IMPORTANT: It is important that you get the information there is needed to recontact people.  Once you have generated a lead with the postcards people will call you for more information then there is the chance to convert the prospects. There will be repetitive sales once the prospects contact you for information.

The Most Effective way to get the best out of the postcard lead generation.

The main purpose of the postcard is to get the prospects to contact you for more information. The level of interest will be sufficient for you to convert the prospects.

You are only making people get more interested and not collecting their money yet. That is what the 2 step marketing process is for sure is about. Creating the chance for you to make sales comes through generating interest with information.

Make sure your message consists of 3 vital parts to be effective. 

1. A brief description of the biggest benefits of your service or products.

2. A reason for them to contact you right now

3.A easy method to respond (such as 800 number)

Make sure that your get your point across with a short message. Short messages are more effective than long  ones.

For example:

Call 800-555-1212 for You free of cost report.

What 99% of the small business owners will never know how effective the postcards can be.

Offer ends 5-5-01 (Give the offer 3 weeks to make the lead generation urgent.)

People will respond to find out what they do not know about. They responded at least that is the creation of the opportunity to convert.
This method works for sure and it produce a large amount of inquiries.

Step 2 how this marketing works?

Use this method of posting postcards to prospects to get them interested. Once there are inquiries there is the chance to convert.